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Excessive Anxiety, Recognize Symptoms And How To Effectively Overcome It

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. It is normal, when someone feels anxious in his life when facing a situation or even when making an important decision. However, you need to be aware of the adverse effects of mental disorders in the form of excessive anxiety that involves excessive and disturbing fear and worry. With proper handling, a person can manage these feelings and return to living a normal life. Excessive anxiety is a severe level of anxiety disorder where a person often experiences excessive worry and fear constantly. Over time, this anxiety disorder can get worse and have a negative impact on a person's life, such as disruption of daily activities, decreased performance or ability to learn, and can even worsen a person's personal relationships. Anxiety disorders consist of several types, namely panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorders, social anxiety disorders, and phobias or excessive fear of something, for example at height.

Recognize the Symptoms of Excessive Anxiety

Symptoms of excessive anxiety that are part of generalized anxiety disorder, include:
  • Easily tired.
  • Always feeling restless.
  • Easy to get angry.
  • Difficulty concentrating or emptying the mind.
  • The muscles feel tense.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Difficulty controlling anxiety.
  • Feeling hurt or "on the edge".
In general, all types of anxiety disorders have the same symptoms, namely:
  • Feeling difficult, panicked, or scared.
  • Can not be calm or remain silent.
  • Heart palpitations
  • Hands and feet feel cold, sweaty, numb, or tingling.
  • Hard to breathe.
  • Feel dizzy.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Nausea.
The cause of excessive anxiety disorder is not yet known with certainty, but several studies indicate this has to do with a combination of several factors, such as genetic, environmental, psychological, and a person's growth and development history. Low economic income, and exposure to stressful life events in childhood and adults can also have an impact on excessive anxiety disorders.

Know the Effective Ways of Overcoming Anxiety

Management of excessive anxiety disorders can generally be done with psychotherapy, drug administration, or with a combination of both. The following types of psychological therapy that will generally be carried out, namely:
  • Psychotherapy

  • Psychotherapy is one type of counseling that can overcome excessive anxiety disorders. Psychotherapy will help you tell and talk about how you feel. Psychotherapy can also provide advice on how to understand and deal with your anxiety disorder.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy

  • This is a type of psychotherapy where the therapist will teach you how to recognize and change your mindset, as well as behaviors that can trigger excessive anxiety.
  • Therapy to manage stress

  • Therapy to manage stress with relaxation or meditation can help overcome excessive anxiety in a person. This therapy can improve the results of other therapies that you do. Family support is also very important in one's recovery from excessive anxiety disorder.
As for treatment using drugs, antidepressant drugs can usually be used to treat various types of anxiety disorders. Specifically to deal with excessive anxiety, the doctor will prescribe anxiolytic medication groups or anti-anxiety groups. Medications to relieve anxiety symptoms should be taken according to doctor's instructions.

Healthy Tips to Control or Reduce Excessive Anxiety

To reduce or overcome the anxiety caused, you can take the following steps:
  • Reduce foods and drinks that contain caffeine such as coffee, tea, energy drinks, or carbonated drinks. Caffeine can worsen symptoms of anxiety disorders.
  • Running a healthy and correct diet.
  • Regular exercise, such as jogging, aerobics and cycling, can help release brain chemicals to reduce stress and improve your mood.
  • Try to sleep on time and talk to your doctor if you have a sleep disorder.
  • Avoid consuming alcoholic drinks, illegal drugs, and smoking because they can worsen anxiety disorders.
Telling your anxiety to other people or the people closest is indeed not always easy. But what you need to realize is that excessive anxiety cannot just disappear without medical treatment. Treating excessive anxiety and other mental health conditions is easier to do at the start than when symptoms worsen. So, immediately contact your doctor or psychiatrist if you feel anxiety is too excessive and interfere with daily activities including work, school, or your social life. Immediately consult a doctor when you feel excessive anxiety begins to suppress and difficult to control, or when you start consuming alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs just to overcome them. Especially when it comes to your mind to end your life because of excessive anxiety.


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