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Some internal diseases that need to be recognized

You may still often wonder what exactly is meant by internal medicine, so that requires the treatment of a specialist in internal medicine, and what are examples of the disease. Come on, find out more here. Internal medicine is an medical specialty for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases in adults. Medical conditions or diseases that are included in the medical specialty of internal medicine will be handled by a specialist in internal medicine or also called an internist. Internal medicine specialists have comprehensive knowledge and competence regarding medical management of diseases that affect more serious organs of the body. According to the regulations of the Indonesian Medical Council, specialists in disease play a role in handling various health problems and improving the quality of public health of adolescents to adulthood in the field of internal medicine. Specialist Doctors Specialists in internal medicine can refer or recommend patients to the subspecialist doctor of internal medicine for certain cases that are more severe. Internal medicine specialists are also tasked with supervising and monitoring treatment after you have gone through a special examination, for example by a cardiologist subspecialist. Even the general practitioner that you visit often masters the field of internal medicine, but usually the general practitioner has limitations in terms of health facilities and competencies, so that the patient will be referred to a specialist according to the appropriate referral. General practitioners, of course, can provide a diagnosis of a disease and provide treatment. However, for more serious illnesses, it is usually not part of the competence of a general practitioner.

So, What are the Medical Conditions Covered in the Internal Medicine Specialization?

Among the hundreds of diseases that can be treated by specialists in internal medicine, here are some common diseases that are found that are classified as serious based on the field of internal medicine disciplines:
  • The field of clinical immunology allergy that is related to the body's immune system (immunity) and interpretation of laboratory investigations, such as blood, serum or plasma, urine, tissue structure, and physiological processes of the body. Investigations are needed to diagnose and treat diseases related to the immune system. Examples of illness include asthma, allergic rhinitis, angioedema, and urticaria or biduran.
  • Gastroentero-hepatology that deals with the digestive system and liver, including in treating and preventing pancreatic disorders, gallbladder, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Examples of illness include pancreatitis, hepatitis, cancer of the digestive tract and liver.
  • The field of geriatrics is related to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases in the elderly, especially with regard to the aging process. Examples of illness include dementia, malnutrition, urinary incontinence, type 2 diabetes, and osteoarthritis.
  • The areas of kidney hypertension that involve kidney disorders, uncontrolled high blood pressure, or more complex blood pressure problems, such as patients who have to go through kidney transplants or hemodialysis (dialysis) patients. Examples of illness include acute and chronic kidney failure, nephrotic syndrome and urinary tract stones.
  • The field of medical hematology-oncology that deals with the diagnosis and prevention of blood diseases (hematology) and cancer (oncology), including diseases such as anemia, hemophilia, leukemia, lymphoma, and cancer.
  • The field of cardiology is related to disorders of the heart organ. Examples of illness include heart failure, coronary heart disease, heart valve disease, arrhythmia, and rheumatic heart disease.
  • The metabolic-endocrine field is related to disorders of metabolism, namely biochemical processes and the work of hormones in the body. Examples of illness include diabetes, thyroid disease, and diabetic ketoacidosis.
  • The field of pulmonology that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory system disorders. Examples of illness include asthma, bronchitis, emphysema and interstitial lung disease.
  • The field of rheumatology deals with the evaluation and non-surgical treatment for rheumatic diseases of the connective tissue of the body, such as the joints. Examples of illness include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, lupus, and fibromyalgia.
  • The field of medical emergencies for handling in the emergency department (ER) and strict care room (HCU) that is associated with further prevention of death or disability, including recognition of conditions, evaluation, treatment, and stabilization in response to acute illness and injury. Examples of illness include cardiac arrest, emergency hypertension and urgency, and respiratory failure.
By knowing what diseases are included in the category of internal medicine, you no longer need to feel confused when your GP refers you to a specialist in internal medicine who has the competence to handle the disease.


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