You may still often wonder what exactly is meant by internal medicine, so that requires the treatment of a specialist in internal medicine, and what are examples of the disease. Come on, find out more here. Internal medicine is an medical specialty for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases in adults. Medical conditions or diseases that are included in the medical specialty of internal medicine will be handled by a specialist in internal medicine or also called an internist. Internal medicine specialists have comprehensive knowledge and competence regarding medical management of diseases that affect more serious organs of the body. According to the regulations of the Indonesian Medical Council, specialists in disease play a role in handling various health problems and improving the quality of public health of adolescents to adulthood in the field of internal medicine. Specialist Doctors Specialists in internal medicine can refer or recommend patients to the subspecia...
LDL cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, known as bad cholesterol because it has a bad influence on health. Do not let the LDL cholesterol level in the body be too much, because it can increase artery disease. Cholesterol is a fat or lipid compound. Cholesterol is carried through the bloodstream with the help of protein. Cholesterol levels in the blood can be identified through blood tests, both LDL cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Increase the risk of disease The human body needs cholesterol in order to function normally. Cholesterol has benefits for the body that is to launch the digestive system, form hormones and vitamin D. Cholesterol can be obtained from food and some of it is produced in the liver. Cholesterol cannot dissolve in the blood so protein in the form of lipoprotein is responsible for carrying cholesterol to various parts of the body and throwing it out. HDL cholesterol is also called good cholesterol. HDL will carry excessive chol...